Source code for satproc.postprocess.polygonize

import logging
import os
import tempfile
from functools import partial
from glob import glob

import fiona
from shapely.geometry import mapping, shape
from shapely.ops import unary_union
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm.contrib.logging import logging_redirect_tqdm

from satproc.utils import grouper, map_with_threads, run_command

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def gdal_polygonize(src, dst): run_command(f" {src} {dst}")
[docs]def apply_threshold(src, dst, value=None, *, threshold): """ Output source values (probabilities) instead of simply a binary mask Make sure nodata=0, so that gdal_polygonize step ignores pixels under threshold. Parameters ---------- src : str path to input raster dst : str path to output raster threshold : int threshold value value : int value to use on raster output when values are over threshold if None, use the original value from src """ # Rescale to 256 threshold = threshold * 256 if not value: value = "A" run_command( " " f'--calc "(A >= {threshold}) * {value}" ' f"-A {src} " "--NoDataValue 0 " f"--outfile {dst}" )
[docs]def process_image(image, value=None, *, tmpdir, threshold): src = image if threshold: src = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(image)) apply_threshold(src=image, dst=src, threshold=threshold, value=value) name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image)) dst = os.path.join(tmpdir, f"{name}.gpkg") gdal_polygonize(src, dst)
[docs]def merge_vector_files(*, input_dir, output, tmpdir): srcs = list(glob(os.path.join(input_dir, "*.gpkg"))) src_groups = list(enumerate(grouper(srcs, n=1000))) groups_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "groups") os.makedirs(groups_dir, exist_ok=True) def merge_chip_vector_files(enumerated_srcs, *, output_dir): i, srcs = enumerated_srcs srcs = [f for f in srcs if f] output = os.path.join(groups_dir, f"{i}.gpkg") run_command( f" -overwrite_ds -single " f'-f GPKG -o {output} {" ".join(srcs)}', quiet=False, ) return output # First, merge groups of vector files using in parallel output_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "temp") worker = partial(merge_chip_vector_files, output_dir=output_dir) map_with_threads(src_groups, worker, desc="Merge chips into groups") # Second, merge ogrmerge results using ogr2ogr into a single file group_paths = glob(os.path.join(groups_dir, "*.gpkg")) merged_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "merged", os.path.basename(output)) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(merged_path) or ".", exist_ok=True) with logging_redirect_tqdm(): for src in tqdm(group_paths, ascii=True, desc="Merge groups"): run_command( f"ogr2ogr -f GPKG -update -append {merged_path} {src}", quiet=False ) # Third, dissolve the final vector file os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output) or ".", exist_ok=True) with as src: if len(src) == 0: _logger.warn("No shapes. Will not write output file") return with, "w", **src.meta) as dst: all_shapes = list( grouper( ( shape(feat["geometry"]).buffer(0) for feat in tqdm( src, total=len(src), ascii=True, desc="Reading shapes" ) ), n=10000, ) ) single_shapes = [] for group_shapes in tqdm(all_shapes, ascii=True, desc="Dissolve"): group_shapes = [s for s in group_shapes if s] single_shape = unary_union(group_shapes) single_shapes.append(single_shape)"Dissolve final shapes") final_shape = unary_union(single_shapes) props = {"DN": 255} for s in _multipart_to_single_parts(final_shape): dst.write({"geometry": mapping(s), "properties": props})"%s written", output)
def _multipart_to_single_parts(shp): if shp.type == "MultiPolygon": for s in shp.geoms: yield s elif shp.type == "Polygon": yield shp else: raise RuntimeError( f"shape should be a Polygon or MultiPolygon but was {shp.type}" )
[docs]def retile_all(input_files, tile_size, temp_dir): tiles_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "_tiles") for raster in input_files: retile(raster, output_dir=tiles_dir, tile_size=tile_size) tiles_files = list(glob(os.path.join(tiles_dir, "*.tif"))) "Num. tiles sized %dx%d at %s: %d", tile_size, tile_size, tiles_dir, len(tiles_files), ) return tiles_files
[docs]def retile(raster, output_dir, tile_size): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) run_command( " " f"-ps {tile_size} {tile_size} " f"-targetDir {output_dir} {raster}" )
[docs]def polygonize( threshold=None, value=None, temp_dir=None, input_files=[], input_dir=None, tile_size=None, *, output, ): if input_dir: input_files = list(glob(os.path.join(input_dir, "*.tif"))) if not input_files: raise ValueError("No input files") must_remove_temp_dir = False if temp_dir: # Make sure directory exists os.makedirs(temp_dir, exist_ok=True) else: # Create a temporary directory if user did not provide one must_remove_temp_dir = True tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() temp_dir = # Retile input images before processing (if tile_size is present) if tile_size: input_files = retile_all(input_files, tile_size, temp_dir) # Process all chip images worker = partial(process_image, tmpdir=temp_dir, threshold=threshold, value=value) map_with_threads(input_files, worker, desc="Polygonize chips") # Merge all vector files into a single one merge_vector_files(input_dir=temp_dir, output=output, tmpdir=temp_dir) if must_remove_temp_dir: tmpdir.cleanup()