Source code for satproc.postprocess.generalize

import logging
import os

import fiona
import numpy as np
from import CRS
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, mapping, shape
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm.contrib.logging import logging_redirect_tqdm

from ..utils import (

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def generalize( *, input_files, output_dir, target_crs=None, simplify="douglas", douglas_tolerance=0.1, smooth=None, chaikins_refinements=5, ): if target_crs: target_crs = CRS.from_user_input(target_crs)"Going to reproject shapes to %s", target_crs.to_string()) if target_crs.is_geographic: _logger.warn( ( "Target CRS is geographic (%s), so keep in mind " "that distance-related parameters are in degrees. " "Consider reprojecting to a projected local " "coordinate system instead for accurate results." ), target_crs.to_string(), ) with logging_redirect_tqdm(): for input_file in tqdm(input_files, ascii=True, desc="Generalize"): output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(input_file)) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_file), exist_ok=True) with as src: proj_crs = proj_crs_from_fiona_dataset(src) if not target_crs and proj_crs.is_geographic: _logger.warn( ( "File %s has a geographic CRS (%s), so keep in mind " "that distance-related parameters are in degrees. " "Consider reprojecting to a projected local " "coordinate system for accurate results." ), input_file, proj_crs.to_string(), ) dst_meta = src.meta.copy() dst_meta["schema"]["geometry"] = "Polygon" if target_crs: del dst_meta["crs"] dst_meta["crs_wkt"] = fiona_crs_from_proj_crs(target_crs) with, "w", **dst_meta) as dst: for feat in tqdm( src, ascii=True, desc=os.path.basename(input_file) ): if not feat["geometry"]: _logger.warn( "Skipped feature %s with empty geometry", feat["id"] ) continue shp = shape(feat["geometry"]) if shp.is_empty: _logger.warn( "Skipped feature %s with empty geometry", feat["id"] ) continue if shp.type == "MultiPolygon" and len(shp.geoms) > 1: _logger.warn( "Skipped feature %s with a multi-part geometry (MultiPolygon)", feat["id"], ) continue if target_crs: shp = reproject_shape(shp, proj_crs, target_crs) if simplify == "douglas": shp = shp.simplify( tolerance=douglas_tolerance, preserve_topology=True ) if smooth == "chaikin": shp = smooth_chaikin(shp, refinements=chaikins_refinements) feat["geometry"] = mapping(shp) dst.write(feat)
# Based on
[docs]def smooth_chaikin(shp, refinements=5): coords = np.array(shp.exterior.coords) for _ in range(refinements): L = coords.repeat(2, axis=0) R = np.empty_like(L) R[0] = L[0] R[2::2] = L[1:-1:2] R[1:-1:2] = L[2::2] R[-1] = L[-1] coords = L * 0.75 + R * 0.25 return Polygon(coords)